Regulatory Information
ChangeGroup monitors all suspicious and unusual transactions, regardless of the amount. We stringently follow all local and international laws and reserve the right to report any suspicious activities to relevant local and federal officials across multiple jurisdictions and to request more information from our customers on their transactions at any time.
We are committed to helping prevent money laundering, as well as terrorism and criminal financing and have strict policies and procedures in place to identify our customers in our efforts to combat illegal activity. These procedures may include one or more of the following:
- Verifying all customers’ identity by means of identification documentation or electronic verification.
- Monitoring and reviewing customer accounts, behaviours and transactions by our staff and automated systems.
- Reporting of suspicious transactions, false identification documents or false personal details.
- Retaining customer data for a regulated period after the business relationship ends.
- Training staff on our anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing policies and requirements.
In addition to GDPR regulations, regulators require that we foremost comply with all anti-money laundering regulations, which means we are required to disclose details of any suspicious/unusual transactions to relevant authorities without prior notice to the customer.
Passport details and other forms of identification may be requested for any transactions that fall into the scope of the relevant legislation in each country in which we operate. We kindly ask for your understanding by providing ChangeGroup with the relevant documents if and when requested to do so.

Country Specific Registration and Licence Details
United Kingdom
The Change Group International Plc 2020. Registered in England & Wales, No. 02715181. Trading as ChangeGroup and ChangeMoney.
The Change Group London Ltd registered in England, No. 7990435. The Change Group Corporation Ltd registered in England, No. 02694817
USA – Estados Unidos
The Change Group New York Inc, MSB reg No 31000147214106. The Change Group California Inc, MSB reg No. 31000107051316.
The Change Group New York Inc, bajo el MSB No. 31000147214106. The Change Group California, bajo el MSB No. 31000107051316.
The Change Group Australia Pty Ltd is registered in Australia under ACN087042993.
Germany - Deutschland
The Change Group Wechselstuben GmbH, Zweigniederlassung Deutschland, ist in Deutschland, in Amtsgericht Lübeck, unter der Nr. HRB 8328 HL registriert.
The Change Group Wechselstuben GmbH, Zweigniederlassung Deutschland, ID 121383; wird reguliert durch die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn.
Sortengeschäftlizenz: GW – C 656 BA 1 – 7/
Zahlungsverkehrlizenz: GIT 2 – K 5000 – 121383 – 2017/0001
Austria - Österreich
The Change Group Wechselstuben GmbH ist in Österreich, am Handelsgericht Wien, unter der Nr. 131276 d registriert.
The Change Group Wechselstuben GmbH, Wien, wird reguliert durch die Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Wien.
Finanzmarktaufsicht GZ: 23 5500/33 - FMA - I/2/04
Lizenz gemäß § 1 Abs. 1 Z 22 Bankwesengesetz: Der schaltermäßige Ankauf und Verkauf von ausländischen Geldsorten (Wechselstubengeschäft).
Spain – España
Denominación: CHANGEGROUP SPAIN, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal)
Domicilio Social: Calle Gran Via 49, 1º Izq. Madrid 28013
CIF: A66577693
Datos registrales: Hoja M-784245 Tomo 44513 Folio 49
Últimos datos de inscripción en el Registro Mercantil: Hoja B-493805 Tomo 47069 Folio 152 Inscripción 17
Denmark – Danmark
The Change Group Denmark ApS registreret i Danmark med CVR 15 68 84 08.
The Change Group Denmark ApS har en valutavekslingstilladelse med Finanstilsynet. Denne licens blev givet den 16. marts 2018 og bemyndiger ChangeGroup til at købe og sælge udenlandsk valuta i Danmark.
Sweden - Sverige
ChangeGroup Sweden AB, 556835-1646, är ett svenskt Betalningsinstitut som står under Finansinspektionens tillsyn.
Finland – Suomi
The Change Group Helsinki Oy on rekisteröity Suomessa tunnuksella Y0954134-8
The Change Group Helsinki Oy är registrerat i Finland under företagsnummer Y0954134-8
The Change Group France SAS est une société par actions simplifiée au capital de 400.000 Euros, numéro RCS Paris B 434 183 273.